Sunday, March 30, 2014

Whoa It's Been Awhile - Store Updates!

Ok so we had an absolutely terrible winter. And then I've been busy with a legit job (hooray) so I haven't had a lot of time to paint. Of COURSE this weekend when I was totally all into it....rainstorm and flooding. Bah. So in lieu of getting to paint new dolls, I'm going to putting up a few old ones for sale. And you can buy them HERE!

Including this lovely Ghoulia repaint

She is quite possibly one of my favorite repaints ever. Her hair is "styled" with a prayer and hairspray but the good news is, it's totally mohair so you can restyle it however you want! She's also glued to hell and back into that outfit. As such, she totally cannot move her legs apart, she can't really sit, and she can't really move her arms all that much. But she's so pretty I didn't even care when I finished her. She was in fact the one doll I wanted to keep for me BUT I broke the leg off a geisha inspired Draculaura repaint I did and now I feel bad for that one and want to keep her, so this Ghoulia has got to go.

The next girl on the list to get sold is this Skelita repaint. No new hair, no body mods, nothing particularly crazy. I just wanted to do a Day of the Dead makeup paint and she happened to be perfect. She's really cute and I kind of love the fact that she's a skeleton but the rule is one stays, the rest must go, so she's on the cutting block. She's not actually wearing an outfit I made (like I could sew that nicely) but rather from a Volks 1/6th Dollfie (that I also plan to repaint and probably sell haha). It totally doesn't fit her tiny skeleton chest SO the Frankie vest is keeping it closed. Plus it matches those fabulous shoes.

So that's all I've got for updates until the weather and work clear up and I can get back to painting. These two lovely ladies will be up for sale on the Etsy site tonight, so keep an eye out!
Happy Modding!